What are Biodegradability and Compostability Certificates?

In the world of sustainable products, whether a product is compostable or biodegradable is always intriguing. Do these concepts apply to every place in the world, or do they apply to a certain and controlled environment? Is it for the product itself or for the packaging? What does it mean to be certified for a compostable or sustainable product?

What are Biodegradability and Compostability Certificates?

In fact, sustainability claims make sense when they are backed by science and endorsed by an impartial, independent and respected third-party organization. Certifications are documents that prove to customers and competitors that the products are not harmful to the environment and that efforts have been made to create a product that is truly beneficial. The products are supported not only by the manufacturer, but also by scientific evidence and the approval of an impartial organization.

However, the testing and certification process often takes a long time, and if test results fail even to a small extent, the entire research and design process has to start all over again. This means more investment of time and money. But the results are worth it and it's proven to customers that they operate in this industry for the right reasons.

Worldwide valid test standards for compostable products have been developed by various organizations around the world, especially the American Testing and Materials Organization (ASTM) and European standards (EN). Many test standards have corresponding versions in different countries. For example, the ASTM D6400 standard is equivalent to the EN 13432 standard for the industrial composting process of bioplastic materials, and certifiers recognize equivalent test results.

The world of compostability and biodegradability certifications is expanding. New materials are introduced every day and the need for new certification schemes and testing standards is increasing to ensure the sustainability of these new products and materials.

Our organization provides very different certification services for businesses in various sectors and carries out the necessary testing, analysis, control and evaluation activities within this framework. In these works, it always follows domestic and foreign standards, applicable legal regulations and generally accepted practices. In this context, requesting businesses,It also provides compost certification and C-Label (Compost Labeling) compost labeling services.