What Does Documented Compostable Mean?

To be certified, compostable packaging must form highly nutritious and non-toxic soils in the test environment.

What Does Documented Compostable Mean?

At the point reached today, every An overflowing plastic pollution occurs on land and in water every day. It has therefore become clear that recycling efforts are not sufficient to address packaging waste. First of all, the reason for this is that the system breaks down at the design stage. Truly recyclable materials should:

  • It must be made from a single material or materials with the same recycling quality and description.
  • It should be clean. Food and other contaminants make recycling impossible.
  • It must be pure. It should be free of toxic inks, adhesives, coatings and additives and should be protected from UV light, which can corrode recyclability.

Compostable packaging offers a solution that brings a new idea and approach to this process. Similar to recyclable packaging, compostable packaging must be designed from the start to have a valuable second life. This means that the molecular composition of a compostable material must be determined to be both non-toxic and bioavailable and attractive to millions of microorganisms living in healthy soil.

Compostable packaging is designed to function as packaging and turn into soil after use. Good quality compostable packaging material must remain stable and retain its form until it comes into contact with the three triggers (microorganisms, heat and moisture) necessary to cause anything biological to turn into soil.

Certified compostable packaging must be non-toxic. Recycled papers and plastics, after bleaching and treated to remove contaminants, inks, adhesives and additives, are of lower quality than virgin papers and plastics. Compostable packages, on the other hand, are exposed to excessive heat, humidity, contact with foods and other biological elements, and bacteria during the certification process. After all, the packaging material is tested against the resulting soil, water and air toxins.

Our organization provides very different certification services for businesses in various sectors and carries out the necessary testing, analysis, control and evaluation activities within this framework. In this framework, it also provides compost certification and C-Label (Compost Labeling) compost labeling services to businesses that request it.