Commercial Composting

Commercial Composting can be used to identify products that comply with compostable product standards and meet international criteria within this scope. These products, bags and packages are approved by the compost label.

Commercial Composting

The C-Label compostable product certification program covers institutions and organizations that want to verify their claims of conformity to biodegradable plastics and similar packaging products suitable for commercial composting. 

The criteria for the C-Label program specify the requirements and procedures to determine the compostability or anaerobic biodegradation of plastics by addressing biodegradability, degradation during biological treatment, its impact on the biological treatment process.

A product labeled as industrial or commercially compostable requires higher temperatures and specially formulated microbial conditions to be converted into useful compost.

This standard provides a basis for allowing materials or products made of plastic to be labeled as 'compostable' for use in facilities such as municipal or commercial composting facilities.

Having certified compostable products that are fully biodegradable in accordance with the requirements of internationally recognized standards, in commercial composting, consumers and organic recyclers are assured that the products will be fully biodegraded in efficient operating systems.

Our organization provides very different certification services for businesses in various sectors and carries out the necessary testing, analysis, control and evaluation activities within this framework. In these works, it always follows domestic and foreign standards, applicable legal regulations and generally accepted practices. In this framework, it also provides compost certification and C-Label (Compost Labeling) compost labeling services to businesses that request it.