What Does Compost Mean?

Composting is a recycling method that greatly reduces the volume of organic waste, and the compost produced is generally used for agricultural and horticultural activities. Almost half of all household waste consists of organic materials and this proportion is expected to grow further as the popularity of biodegradable products such as packaging materials, disposable cutlery and plates increases.

What Does Compost Mean?

The term compostable is a term that refers to agricultural soil-improving products that are recovered through composting, which is the conversion of kitchen and garden waste into compost after use. To obtain compostable products, it is necessary to use biodegradable materials.

Packages or products with the Compost Industrial label are guaranteed as biodegradable in the industrial composting facility. This warranty covers all components, inks and additives. The only reference point for the certification program is the harmonized standard EN 13432: 2000. This European standard describes the requirements for packaging materials recovered through composting and biodegradation. It also provides the test chart and evaluation criteria for the final acceptance of the packaging. Industrial compostability criteria of packaging are defined in this standard.

The standard requires that compostable plastics decompose after 12 weeks and completely biodegrade after six months. This means that 90 percent or more of the plastic material will be converted to carbon dioxide.

In any case, any product bearing the Compost Industrial label complies with the requirements of the packaging directive 94/62/EEC in force in the European Union countries.

In short, with the separate collection of organic waste, an industrial supply chain has developed that produces a range of biodegradable and compostable products such as shopping bags and fruit and vegetable bags.

Our organization provides very different certification services for businesses in various sectors and carries out the necessary testing, analysis, control and evaluation activities within this framework. In these works, it always follows domestic and foreign standards, applicable legal regulations and generally accepted practices. In this context, compost certification and C-Label (C-Label)ompost Labeling) also provides compost labeling services.