What Does an Industrial or Commercially Compostable Product Mean?

Plastics cannot be recycled infinitely. In this respect, it is necessary to think carefully about what will happen at the end of the life of this material. A new biomaterial material has been introduced in the bioplastics industry in recent years: compostable bioplastics.

What Does an Industrial or Commercially Compostable Product Mean?

These materials have the same properties as conventional plastics, but at the end of their useful life they biodegrade and become compost.

Bioplastics are basically divided into two classes: those that can be composted industrially (or commercially) and those that can be composted domestically.

A product labeled as industrial or commercially compostable requires higher temperatures and specially formulated microbial conditions to be converted into useful compost. Materials such as PLA (polylactic acids) draw attention here. Derived from cornstarch or sugarcane base, these materials retain almost all the properties of conventional petroleum-based plastics. However, they can be composted at the end of their life. This process is completed in a short period of 180 days in a suitable facility and under the right conditions.

There are certain tests that must pass for a product to be labeled as industrially compostable. For example, in the United States, commercially compostable products are tested according to the ASTM D6400 standard developed by the American Testing and Materials Association (ASTM) (ASTM D6400-19 Standard specification for labeling plastics designed to be composted aerobically in municipal or industrial facilities). This standard defines a time period (180 days) during which both decomposition (physical degradation) and biodegradation (compost production), ie chemical decomposition, must occur. It also requires that the end product does not harm the surrounding ecosystem (ie it should not be toxic). In the European Union countries and elsewhere in the world, the standard EN 13432, which is an equivalent standard and requires the same timelines and results, is complied with.

When a product passes this test, it is certified as industrial or commercial compostable by the authorized institution. Products bearing the C-Label label are certified compostable and follow a completely cyclical life cycle if they are disposed of properly.

Our organization provides very different certification services for businesses in various sectors and carries out the necessary testing, analysis, control and evaluation activities within this framework. In these works, it always follows domestic and foreign standards, applicable legal regulations and generally accepted practices. Our organization has a trained and experienced staff and advanced technological facilities. In this context, requesting businesses,It also provides compost certification and C-Label (Compost Labeling) compost labeling services.