Why Get the C-Label Compostable Label?

Waste, its management, collection and disposal constitutes one of the top environmental priorities in the world. More than 30 percent of the waste sent to landfills is organic waste that can be composted and turned into nutrient-rich soils.

Why Get the C-Label Compostable Label?

The composting of organic waste has been a sprawling initiative around the world, thanks to responsive local municipalities, communities and responsible individuals.

Compostable materials are designed to be composted in the compost pile only. Composting is a very specific process that does not occur in landfills. Microorganisms, carbon, water, oxygen and nitrogen are essential elements of the composting process and must be present in the right conditions for composting to occur. If compostable products are placed in an open landfill or landfill where oxygen is present, they decompose in the same environment at a rate similar to other biodegradable materials. However, if compostable products are placed in an anaerobic landfill and deprived of oxygen and microorganisms, the ability of compostable products to decompose will be severely restricted. This applies to all biodegradable materials placed in this environment, including paper, garden waste and food waste.

As a consumer, any manufacturer claiming that their product will rapidly biodegrade in air should be treated with suspicion. Our organization approves and labels all compostable products to help both consumers and composters.

In fact, compostable products are labeled this way and collected correctly when they are waste and sent to a compost facility. In this respect, using the C-Label compostable label is effective in the different collection of such products as waste. Otherwise, as these products cannot be composted under normal conditions, more damage is done to the environment contrary to expectations.

Our organization provides very different certification services for businesses in various sectors and carries out the necessary testing, analysis, control and evaluation activities within this framework. In these works, it always follows domestic and foreign standards, applicable legal regulations and generally accepted practices. Our organization has a trained and experienced staff and advanced technological facilities. In this context, requesting businesses,It also provides compost certification and C-Label (Compost Labeling) compost labeling services.