What is a C-Label Compostable Label?

If waste cannot be avoided to ensure a sustainable environment, it must at least be recycled or made from compostable or biodegradable raw materials. Manufacturers have started to take serious steps in this direction with this sense of responsibility.

What is a C-Label Compostable Label?

The EN 13432 standard, which is a European standard, is a certification and labeling standard that supports the efforts of companies in this direction. The standard in question requires that compostable plastics decompose after 3 months and completely biodegrade after six months. In this way, it envisages the conversion of plastic materials to carbon dioxide at a rate of over 90 percent and the remainder to water and biomass, a valuable compost product.

Our organization also continues its certification and labeling studies based on this standard and allows companies that fulfill the standard requirements to affix C-Label labels on their products. The EN 13432 standard is internationally recognized proof of the industrial compostability of biodegradable products.

If these standards are followed, for example, it is possible to make an entire package, including its labels, compostable.

Businesses are expected to process more and more compostable products today. In this way, it helps to capture more food residues, remove them from landfills and reduce the methane gas in global warming.

Compostable products undergo aerobic biodegradation in a compost system, becoming visually indistinguishable and broken down into carbon dioxide, water, inorganic compounds and biomass. A compostable product is a product that has been specially manufactured to degrade in a compost system at the end of its useful life. Such products are produced from plastic, paper or plant fibers, along with other components that provide the necessary form and functionality. With the C-Label compostable label system, our organization helps to collect compostable food and other organics efficiently and supports the use of compostable products to the extent that they replace traditional plastics.

Our organization always follows domestic and foreign standards, applicable legal regulations and generally accepted practices in these works. Our organization has a trained and experienced staff and advanced technological facilities. In this context, requesting businesses,It also provides compost certification and C-Label (Compost Labeling) compost labeling services.