NF T51-800 Plastics - Technical Specifications for Plastics Suitable for Home Composting

The NF T51-800 standard, a French standard, describes procedures and requirements for plastic products suitable for home composting. Under this standard, plastic products are considered suitable for home composting only if all components meet the requirements.

NF T51-800 Plastics - Technical Specifications for Plastics Suitable for Home Composting

The NF T51-800 standard addresses these four aspects of plastics suitable for home composting:

  • biodegradation
  • decomposition during composting
  • Negative effects on the biological process
  • Adverse effects on the quality of the resulting compost, including the availability of highly regulated elements

This standard also provides a basis for labeling plastic products suitable for home composting.

This standard does not provide information on requirements for biodegradability of plastics found in the environment as garbage.

The appendix to this standard contains a guide to good practices in home composting for information purposes (Annex C).

This standard is based on the European standards EN 13432 and EN 14995, which set requirements for packaging or plastics recovered through aerobic composting in municipal or industrial biological waste treatment plants, and ISO 18606 and ISO 17088 standards published by the International Standards Organization (ISO).

The composition and volume of waste treated by domestic composting differs from waste treated by industrial composting. In this regard, the duration of biodegradation and degradation tests should be adapted to home composting practices. The volume of waste contained in a domestic compost pile is relatively small, the temperature in the pile is lower and less stable than in an industrial composting environment. As a result, home composting is a slower process than industrial composting.

To account for these differences, the biodegradation test according to the NF T51-800 standard is performed at a lower temperature and over a longer test period than the biodegradation tests for industrial composting, and the decomposition test has a longer duration than that.

As a result, a product that can be composted in industrial facilities may not be suitable for composting at home. In addition, compost produced by household members is primarily for their own use and is not for supply to others and they must comply with the relevant regulations in force.

Our organization provides very different certification services for businesses in various sectors and carries out the necessary testing, analysis, control and evaluation activities within this framework. In these works, it always follows domestic and foreign standards, applicable legal regulations and generally accepted practices. In this context, requesting businesses,It also provides compost certification and C-Label (Compost Labeling) compost labeling services.
