Are There Legal Regulations for Compostable Products?

Dealing with compost contamination is costly and dangerous for the environment. Compostable packaging, like its non-compostable counterparts, is becoming more common, but it is not easy to distinguish one from the other unless it has a label on it.

Are There Legal Regulations for Compostable Products?

Without oversight, vague sustainability claims make it difficult to identify compostable products, both for individual consumers and for the compost industry.

The lack of clarity and standards for compostable packaging is a serious problem for consumers who are unsure how to dispose of their product or packaging. Appropriate legal regulations and audit practices need to be established and known.

Strict labeling practices are required to increase confidence in sustainable products and help composters easily identify what is compostable and non-compostable. In some countries, legal regulations have begun to be enacted for this purpose.

Since the legal regulations for the labeling of compostable products and packages have just been enacted, the manufacturers are not yet completely sure about the implementation. Even if a compostable product has been tested and documented, users of a mislabeled product may not know which bin to put it in. On the other hand, companies that make compost are not sure whether it is a pollutant or not.

In general, compostability claims should be printed directly and clearly on product packaging or compostable stickers should be used.

In the USA, the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) sets criteria to help companies comply with laws, regulations and sustainability practices. In the meantime, international standards, which are the basis of legal regulations, are also published. For example, products intended for composting in large-scale facilities must meet the standards ASTM D6400 or ASTM D6868 or EN 13432, ISO 17088 and BNQ 9011-911/2007.

In our country, the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization has published a Compost Communiqué on biodegradable wastes generated as a result of an activity or originating from businesses in 2015. This communique regulates the following issues regarding such wastes:

  • Ensuring its management by collecting separately at the source without harming the environment and human health
  • Reducing the amount to be disposed of in landfills by recycling
  • Determination of technical criteria of compost facilities
  • Determination of quality criteria of products obtained from compost facilities

According to the aforementioned communiqué, biodegradable wastes are wastes originating from parks, gardens, houses, restaurants, sales points, food production and similar facilities that can degrade in an oxygenated or anaerobic environment.

Our organization has a trained and experienced staff and advanced technological facilities. In this context, requesting businesses,It also provides compost certification and C-Label (Compost Labeling) compost labeling services.
